
The Linux Sound applet

VolumeMax, Linux Sound applet, allows increasing the volume of the system beyond 100%. It uses Pulseaudio to make the volume changes.
(It needs Pulseaudio for making changes)

For some unknown reasons business class machines (such as Thinkpad series laptops) are designed to have low sound volume. This applet allows to by-pass the setting and go beyond the 100% limit. Although, there is no limit to the highest value that can be set using this applet, extreme caution should be exercised as it would damage the speaker system irreversibly.

When would you want to use this applet?
Not all the videos abailable online have same sound settings. Some videos have good content but poor volume; cases when the person is away from the camera. Volume can be increased for such cases using this applet.

That being said, use it with caution (do not set extremly high percentage).
This applet has been tested for a maximum value of 300%